In a world rife with compromise, our coffee is an oasis of authenticity.
With more than 25 years of culinary passion, it’s no surprise that with Floridian Coffee we went on a quest for the perfect coffee blend, for ‘Sunrise’ morning latte’s, ‘Sunny all day’ home office coffees and ‘Sunset’ after dinner espresso’s and many more.
Besides sourcing and blending beautiful exotic coffees, we have fashioned a revolutionary ‘Fluid bed’ air roasting method that releases more flavor from the coffee bean with far less impact on the environment. We are proud to share our passion and progress with coffee lovers everywhere.
Our Sunset whole bean coffee blend is our bold espresso style roast that boasts flavors of dark chocolate, caramel sweetened, and toasted almonds.
Our Sunrise whole bean coffee blend is a silky and floral blonde roast that boasts flavors of butterscotch and flaky pastry crust.
A Revolution in Roasting
We are proud to introduce a cleaner way to roast coffee beans. Our small batch ‘fluid bed’ air roasting process releases a deeper flavor in our coffees without the burnt or metal taste associated with traditional gas-fueled drum roasting. While gas -fueled drum roasting has been the standard, the process releases fumes and particulars onto the coffee and into our air and water. Our roasting method yields perfectly roasted coffee beans without these harmful emissions.